Primary education has its preemiinence in the field of any country and for this elementary education trained primary teachers take a great role.In our country in general and particularly in this district , Howrah the want of such trained teachers is remarkable.At present moment there is no NCTE approved primary teachers training Institute in this district,howrah which is highly raregretable Most of the children are deprived of having proper elementary education for want of trained teachers.Just after approval of this B.ED. College from NCTE and C.U the people of this locality press upon me much for setting up a primary training Institute in the educational complex of Gangadharpur comprising of primary education level to post-graduate education level with a primary school ,two H.S schools for boys and girls,one general degree college and one B.Ed. college. Under the circumstances ,respecting the peoples voice we have decided to establish an elementary education teacher training institution namely Gangadhar pur Sikshan Mandir,P T T I selection fulfilling all the norms of the NCTE and Govt. of West Bengal . We have already given a plot of land of four bighas with a deed of lease.The B.Ed. college also permitted the authority of the proposed PTTI selection to run the training centre for two years commencing from 1 st July,2007 in our own building.
Education is the creation of sound mind in a sound Body